Passive income is highly sought after and often misunderstood.
Passive income streams require an upfront investment and a lot of nurturing in the beginning. After some time and hard work, these income streams start to build and are able to maintain themselves, bringing you consistent revenue without much effort on your part. Speaking from personal experience, adding passive income streams to your portfolio can help you increase your earnings and accelerate your financial goals in tremendous ways. For example, getting started with real estate with Fundraise for just $500 can accelerate your income and your other goals. So you want to build a passive income online business but don't know where to start?
For example, you can use passive income streams to help you get out of debt or achieve financial independence sooner. Before we get into the passive income ideas I think it’s a good idea to first clear up a couple of misconceptions. Although the word passive makes it sound like you have to do nothing to bring in the income this just isn’t true.
Donald replied
221 weeks ago