You passed the exam and received your PMP certification. Now what? Be aware that it doesn’t end there. Your certification doesn’t last forever. In fact, you need to recertify every 3 years. To do this, you need to complete 60 professional development units (PDUs).
The PDUs you can take to renew your PMP certification are part of the continuing certification requirements (CCR) program. This includes activities that provide training or aid you in your position as a project manager. One PDU is the equivalent of an hour of a qualifying activity, such as one of the PMI talent triangle topics. Some of these topics are technical project management, leadership, and business and strategic management.
Choose the professional development opportunities that will help you become a better project manager. Think about your strengths and weaknesses, and select PDUs based on the areas that you could work on to improve your skills and increase your effectiveness as a professional project manager.
In whatever field you work, you should want to do your best. You should want opportunities to prove your worth and improve your abilities. Through PMP certification, you can do just that. The certification gives you the opportunity to prove to employers that you are competent in your job. It’s a great thing to add to your resume as you apply for future project management positions, too. But more important than what employers see, the PMP certification helps you grow and learn, so you can become the best project manager that you can be.
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There are several professional certifications that you can pursue throughout your career. But, among all of those, PMP certification is the most valuable certificate program. Interviewers looking to fill in the position of project manager understand this. Hence, they tend to prioritize profiles with PMP certification over those which do not have such certification. provides its users with an opportunity to download HD videos from various online platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Today, users don't have to spend time watching their favorite online videos because they can save them to their device for watching at any time without internet access.
Donald replied
226 weeks ago