Donald replied

228 weeks ago

In a nondescript bedroom in an undisclosed industrial neighborhood of Toronto, Canada, Erika is being prepped to meet her first john. Before her appointment, an attendant will wash and sterilize her. Then they’ll dress her in the white tank and black thong underwear fitting for a French-Canadian girl-next door. Finally, the attendants will help Erika into position on her back, one leg bent, with her eyes trained intriguingly towards the door. On their way out, one last touch: a quick spray of Erika’s signature perfume. Every time he smells it, he’ll think of her.

At Aura Dolls sex doll brothel, and in similar brothels cropping up from Russia to Canada (and likely, soon, the U.S.) the so-called “world’s oldest profession” is being reborn. Erika isn’t a human, of course, she’s a silicone-skinned doll. While the idea is strange to most, this new iteration of sex work is allowing both brothel owners and their clients to get around a few of prostitution’s most vexing dilemmas.

PARKER replied

228 weeks ago

“I think the main thing is that our customers won’t have to feel shy or ashamed of trying out their sexual fantasies,” says Aura Dolls Marketing Director Claire Lee. On the day she spoke with Rolling Stone, the brothel was preparing to open. If the customers who go there are anything like those who began to frequent a newly opened doll brothel in Turin, Italy, then some customers are likely to be men who are especially shy and have a hard time meeting, and having sex with, human women.

landsideicy replied

228 weeks ago

Aura Dolls took shyness into consideration with the layout of the brothel: Patrons will pay $120 for an hour, then walk down a one-way hallway to the room where the doll waits for them (the exit, also one-way, is aimed at preventing clients from running into one another). During their session, they can take a shower, watch porn and do whatever they want with the doll, as long as they don’t damage it or “make any extra holes” outside of the mouth, vagina and anus that the doll comes equipped with, Lee says. Water-based lubricant is provided, as are condoms, which are encouraged as a safety precaution. Ten minutes before the session is done, an intercom gives a warning that it’s time to finish up. If a john goes overtime, he’ll have to pay another $90 to book the doll for the next half hour.

PRICE replied

228 weeks ago

“It’s kind of like a race,” Lee says, and the employees have been practicing. First, the doll is placed underneath a shower and washed with soap and warm water. Then, its orifices are blasted with a pressure cleaner filled with special disinfectant and penetrated with a UVC, germ-killing lamp that’s “shaped like a dildo,” according to Lee. Then, the doll is rushed back into the room to be dressed, have her hair done, and get any makeup touch-ups that might be needed before the next customer shows up.

As Aura Dolls prepared to open, it already had 200 reservations on the books, Lee said. The majority were from men, but about 30 percent were from couples or women alone, Lee says.

Donald replied

228 weeks ago

“I’m sure somebody will come along and try to do it here,” Sirkin says. “The closest thing I can compare them to are the old peep show arcades … The argument for them was that what people do there is done privately and not exposed to the public … The argument against them was that people went there to masturbate, so some argued it was lewd and lascivious conduct and called it a public nuisance and shut some of those places down.”

But according to an expert at the Kinsey Institute, one of the leading institutions for sex research, sex-doll brothels have another advantage: to open up potential sexual opportunities for those who might be too repressed, law-abiding or timid to seek out other sexual experiences.

PARKER replied

228 weeks ago

The dolls could also provide an alternative for people who have unsatisfying monogamous relationships. “Maybe it’s a sexless marriage and they’re seeking sexual fulfillment, but they don’t want to violate the vow that they made to their partner,” Lehmiller says. Also, some people may just be attracted by the lure of a completely new experience. “We know that human beings are titillated by novelty and we’re always seeking out new and exciting ways of fulfilling our sexual desire,” he says. While researching his book, Lehmiller interviewed more than 4,000 people and found that about 15 percent of them had fantasized about sex with a robot — something not all that different from sex with a realistic doll, some of which are also robots.

Jons Maradona replied

228 weeks ago

The sex doll brothel provides various types of life-size realistic sex dolls. You can choose dolls for sex, companionship, eating, chatting, etc. Each room has music, candlelight and pornographic movies for guests to watch. The sex doll brothel will also provide free condoms, lubricants and other supplies. The lifelike dolls in the brothel ensure the same experience as women.

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